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Stu Sells Easter Egg Hunt


You already know we’re huge supporters of our many amazing local Junction businesses, and we want to give YOU a chance to win a $200 Junction shopping spree this Easter! Join us for our Easter Egg hunt between March 19th and April 2nd to be entered into our contest for your chance to win. You can enter up to 10 times, so be sure to check out these great local shops!


Here is how the contest works:


1. Visit one or more of the participating local businesses
2. Take a selfie with the Easter Egg
3. Create a post or story on Instagram
4. Follow and tag us on your post/story (
5. Follow and tag the local business


Wondering which of our great local businesses are participating? Here is the full list!


Coal Miner’s Daughter
Caribou Gifts
Noctua Bakery
Petti Fine Foods
SWAT Health
From There to Here
Healthy Moms Market
Padaria Toronto
The Beau & Bauble
Arts Market
Bevi Birra
Type Books